Want food all the time

by David

I want food all the time, is there anything out there that will help with this?

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Oct 29, 2015
Aleah NEW
by: Aleah

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Apr 03, 2015
Food and Health NEW
by: Nicole Megan

There is a very simple solution. Keep a bubble gum in your mouth. When you continue chewing all the time, you will get tired of eating. Second solution is to take more fibrous food. It will give you feeling of fullness and you dont have any desire of eating left. Improve your will power and try to control yourself and read custom essays on special diets to reduce weight.

Mar 16, 2015
Hey there NEW
by: layla

The only thing that you can do to stop this is to calm your mind than your body. Try practicing yoga. It will help you calm your mind and give you some control over your mind and body. I hope this will help you. search here

Feb 24, 2015
Want food all the time NEW
by: Kristine

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Aug 13, 2011
by: Anonymous

you need to discipline your self and try to make your body system adapt a little from withdrawer of frequent food intake doing that for 2 months you will get use to it. Try it it works best of luck.

Sep 14, 2010
fingers for freedom
by: jonathon.lee@ntlworld.com

I think you need to anchor your hunger feelings onto something else.

EG when you feel like eating you eat. What need is something that makes you feel something else when you feel hungry.

Think about being hungry and eating all the time. Now at the same time nick the thumb and forefinger together on your lft hand and then release only when the intensity subsides.

Now think about being sick, beign full, looking at your own funeral. Make it real bad and then nip the thumb and for finger together on the right hand, release when the intensity subside.

Now have a short break.

Now nip both hands seperatelty at the same time. it will feel strange, just at the time of peak intensity and strangeness, release the left hand and leave the right hand until you feel better.

Now think about being hungery, what do you feel now?

Aug 12, 2010
by: Anonymous

lock your fridge

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